Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Year - New You

New Year - New You
The Truth About Your Food 
and Exercising

Non-GMO Health and Wellness Coach

Dec. 29, 2015

My new health motto for 2016 is "It's Time To Get Lean in 2016." The bottomline is, if you want to spend 2016 feeling and looking absolutely great then you need to figure out what is happening with the food supply system in this country.

You can do that by joining one of the National Non-GMO Health Movements in this country. It' s not enough to sit at home and be dumbfounded when things are happening around you but you need to turn your home into a learning center and become a reader because "Readers Are Leaders."

Human beings are some of the selfish people in the world so you need to share information. You can do this by forming your own positive communities using the groups.

Go back and read my "90 Day Health Initiative and Challenge for the Entire Family" -- that I launched back in June 2015. At the end of this 90 day challenge, you will be educated on the different options you have in regards to your health.

Foods affects every area of your life -- from your mood, to your behavior, to your happiness and your entire quality of life.

If you don't gain access to good food this year then basically you are setting yourself and your family up for failure to live another year feeling weak, sluggish and run-down as you move closer to living a 'diseased' lifestyle.

People are always telling me that I seem so positive, energetic and full of vitality so I want to share my secrets with you. I wasn't always like this but I had to work on myself - mind, body and soul.

At age 59, I only eat foods for my blood type so find out your blood type and buy the book "Eat Right 4 Your Type" if you truly want to live an energetic and positive life.

As a Blood Type B, I thrive on seafood and green foods so that's what I mostly eat, however, I can't eat all seafoods and I can't eat all green foods.

I rarely turn on the stove so that I can eat my foods in as natural forms as possible so I -- steam, juice or blend -- the majority of my foods.

If you notice I did not put down to exercise as a New Year's Resolution on the list because along with eating good food and getting plenty of rest, exercising should be a part of your daily routine.

The more fit you are, the longer you are likely to live. Being fit usually means you engage in some type of "cardio" or "cardiovascular" exercise.

Cardiovascular exercises are any type of exercise that gets your heart rate up and keep it up for at least 20 to 30 minutes or more.

Everyone should be engaged in some type of cardiovascular exercise (fast or power walking, running, aerobics, swimming, bicycling/spinning, etc.) at least 3, 4 or 5 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes (or more).

Remember if you exercise in the morning, it speeds up your metabolism more than it would if you exercise later in the day.

If you suffer from allergies, be careful exercising outside first thing in the morning, especially during allergy season.

Working out is hard for a lot of people but it's important to stay active. At age 59, I have always believed in staying active.

This year I engaged in a different assortment of activities in order to find out what I truly love to do. Each workout have left me with some really great results.

At the beginning of the year, I cleared out a space in my kitchen to exercise. This was the first time I had engaged in a home workout like this.

I had everything I needed in this space - a mat, DVDs, hand weights from 1 to 10 pounds, trampoline, Zumba stepper and a laptop dedicated specifically for my workout routines.

I started the New Year off by jumping up and down several times a week on a trampoline; worked out with Personal Trainer Shuan T with the DVD worksouts; Julian Michaels DVD worksouts; DVD workouts and now at 59 years old, I am hooked on outdoor group fitness workouts...working out alongside of 20 year olds.

I believe meditation and yoga should be a part of your daily routine. These are definitely exercises for the brain and "when your brain works right, you work right."

It's definitely important to eat good 'brain foods' (Omega 3s, green foods, antioxidants, etc. in as natural forms as possible - juiced, steamed or blended) and take 'brain supplements' (Omega 3 Fish Oil and Flaxseed Oil, Vitamin D3, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin C & E - which are antioxidant vitamins that helps your cells grow) -- which I do everyday.

For many a Multi-Vitamin for Men and a Multi-Vitamin for Women will be all you need, especially if they eat a natural organic diet.

Be careful taking Vitamin E and Ginkgo Biloba because they are both blood thinners and you should never take these with other medications, especially over-the-counter or prescribed medications.

Yoga helps with flexibility, especially as you age. Did you know because of the way you breathe when you engage in yoga and jumping up and down on a trampoline, you decrease your chances of coming down with cancer?

Parents should think about buying their children a trampoline because for most kids under age 15, cancer is the largest killer because of their weak and undeveloped immune systems.

Don't forget that cancer is caused by toxic foods and living in toxic environments -- so eat good food and clean up your environment by using natural products in your home and on your body.

As I engaged in the above exercise routines this year, I still used my and memberships.

I use my gym membership when I travel as a Speaker because they are everywhere. When I first arrived in Austin, 18 months ago, there was no gyms in my area so I had to join

Now there is a gym 20 minutes from my home but I have chosen to keep both memberships. My has a track so I love gyms with tracks so I can walk and listen to my audiobooks on

Organ failure (heart attacks, liver and kidney disease, etc.) is the #1 reason that people die in this country and prescription overdose is #2.

Sitting in 'dry saunas' in gyms helps you sweat out toxins, which can render your organs dysfunctional.

But did you also know that sitting in dry saunas will also help you decrease your chances of coming down with cancer because dry saunas "repairs" your cells? Cancer is the 2nd largest killer in the U.S. and is nothing but the "mutation" of cells.

I also walked and jogged in a local park while listening to my favorite books as audiobooks -- but after the park was flooded out for the 2nd time in 2 years, I looked for an alternative and eventually found the outdoor group fitness workouts.

Engaging in the same routines everyday can become boring, so it's great to have a lot of different choices for working out.

When I first started out with fitness group workouts, I could barely walk for two weeks but my mate, who works out in Gold's Gym, kept encouraging me to keep going and that eventually my body would get use to it.

Well it took at least 6 weeks for my body to get use to the workouts but many people stop short of their goals -- so don't get discouraged.

I am happy to announce that this week is my 9th week with and we have yet to do the same again I am loving it and the variety of exercises that we engage in.

Despite many trainers being off for the holidays, our trainer showed up for several 'unscheduled' workouts because of his dedication to the group.

My main camp meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:45 a.m. for just one (1) hour but I found another camp for Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 a.m. with another trainer, a female, so they have camps all over and in other states.

Face it trying to exercise on your own is hard so sometimes you need these fitness trainers to push you but you do want to be careful working out with fitness trainers, especially in gyms.

Many of these trainers are there simply for their paychecks so many are "underqualified" and "untrained" - pretending to know what they are doing. You know your limits so stick to them.

Before starting any type of regular exercise program, see your doctor first to make sure your body can take working out.

Make sure you warm up before exercising. Your warm-up is just as important as your workout, however, with busy schedules, people forget to stretch and heat up their bodies. Many just settle for a few toe-touches, which can leave them in pain or injured.

A good warm-up will provide increased flexibility and will activate the necessary muscles for training and competition. It also speeds up your blood flow and causes your core temperature to rise, which will prepare you to train at your highest levels.

Good preparation makes for a great workout. Remember to always start off slow (start off walking) then work yourself up over the next few weeks and months to a more intense form of working out, if and only if, you are in shape for that type of workout.

If you have been sedentary for some time, try exercising in water. Water aerobics are excellent for those who are overweight or who find walking or running difficult.

Some easy ways to add physical activity to your daily routine include:

  • Park the car farther away from your destination. 
  • Get on or off the bus several blocks away. 
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. 
  • Take fitness breaks instead of cigarette or coffee breaks. Walk, stretch or do some office exercises. 
  • Perform gardening, yard work, heavy house cleaning, or home-repair activities. 
  • Exercise while watching TV. For example, use hand weights, a stationary bike or treadmill, stretch, or perform body-weight exercises such as crunches, push-ups and squats. 
  • Keep a pair of comfortable walking or running shoes in your car and office. You'll be ready for activity wherever you go. 
  • Walk while doing errands.

Cathy Harris, Speaker, Author, Coach
Angels Press, CEO, President, Publisher
National Non-GMO Health Movement
P.O. Box 19282
Austin, TX 78760
(512) 909-7365 (Seminars, Workshops, Webinars, Coaching) (Empowerment & Publishing Company) (Advice Columnist) (The Cathy Harris Story)

Did you know that many people will start the New Year off by joining a gym and by the month of March they will already be out of there?

Read These Blog Posts and Get Ready 
To Grow Your Foods

My First Garden Journey – How I Built A Raised Bed Garden – Cathy Harris

How To Use Pots and Containers 
To Grow Foods

10 Steps To Growing Your Own Foods

What You Need To Know About 
Roadside Vendors Today

  “The Beauty and Barber Shop (or Storefront) Initiative”

Friday, January 8, 2016

Goal Setting for 2016

Top 20 New Year's Resolutions

Some top New Year goals include:
1.   Detoxify for the New Year:   Start the New Year off with a detoxification program for you and your family. You can do a detox by fasting; engaging in a complete body cleanse for your colon, liver, and kidneys; do a colonic with a naturopathic or holistic healer, etc. Remember 80% of overweight kids will become overweight adults so think about helping them engage in a safe detoxification program. Find out how in my health book "How To Take Control of Your Own Life: A Self-Help Guide to Becoming Healthier Over the Next 30 Days (Series 3)"

2. Go Organic:  Eat fresh, raw and organic foods blended, juiced or steamed only especially green foods. The benefits of eating organic foods are these foods don't contain hormones, antibodies, pesticides, steroids, etc. Organic foods cost a little more and will spoil quicker but in the long-run these foods will keep down doctor's visits. Remember 90% of all illnesses and diseases are 'diet-related'.

3.  Read Food Labels:   Until you can transition to fresh, raw, and organic foods read food labels and cut out all these ingredients: 1) Sugar, 2) High Fructose Corn Syrup, 3) Saturated  Fats, 4) Transfat, 5) Red and Yellow Dye, and 6) MSG.

4.  Give Up GMOs:   Over 90% of all foods in neighborhood grocery stores contains Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) (also referred to as Genetically Engineered, Genetically Altered, Frankenfoods), which causes food allergies which results in depression and other illnesses. So only buy organic foods from farmer's markets, health and whole food stores, etc. or grow your foods your own self. Stay updated on GMOs by reading our National Non-GMO Health Movement Blog or subscribe to my group on facebook " National Non-GMO Health Movement."  

5.   Drink More Water:   Commit to drinking more water and drink the right type of water. Only drink "alkaline water" from health or wholefood stores. If you can't obtain this type of water then only drink "distilled" or "pure/purified" water.  

6.   Stop Eating Meat:  Meat is closely associated with parasites. Parasites comes from 'undercooked' beef or pork. Over 80% of Americans have parasites. Parasites can turn into cancer! Find out how to get rid of parasites in my health book "How To Take Control of Your Own Life: A Self-Help Guide to Becoming Healthier Over the Next 30 Days"

7.  Become a Vegetarian:   Many people believe vegetarians do not get enough protein but two of the largest animals in the world, gorillas and elephants, are plant-eaters so that's a myth. You don't need meat to survive or stay healthy.

8.  Give Up Canned Foods:   Canned foods contains BPA and too much sodium, which is bad for you so transition from canned foods to fresh, organic, raw foods. The only time you should eat canned foods is during a natural disaster. 

9.   Set Short Range and Long Range Goals:   Remember setting goals will motivate you to take action in your life so set weekly goals along with 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, and 3 year goals around these three (3) areas: 1) health, 2) family/financial, and 3) career/business. Remember it takes 3 to 4 weeks to form new habits so think about the things you need to change in your life and set realistic and reachable goals.  

10.  Create a Vision Board:   Cut and paste pictures and quotes so that you can stay motivated when setting short range and long range goals. Make more than one vision board and place them where you can view them every day.

11.   Meditate Daily:   It's important to meditate daily for at least 15 or 30 minutes or more. You can do this at work by taking lunch and sitting in your car; in bed or somewhere else in your home. You can listen to soft music while you allow your body to fully relax. Remember before you can make anything happen in your life, you have to see or visualize it first -- so mediate daily.

12.   Get Rid of Toxic People:   Get rid of toxic, destructive and negative people in your life -- the naysayers, doom and gloom people, the dreambusters, etc. They are everywhere and even in your family. You can't really get rid of family members but you can distance yourself away from them.

13.    Get Another Job:   Get a more fulfilling job. If you are unhappy with your job - you only have 3 choices to make: 1) Transfer to another department even in another city, 2) Go back to school and launch another career, or 3) Start your own business. Learn about your rights in the workplace by reading the"Workplace Survival Guide: How To Fight Discrimination, Whistleblowing and the Workers' Compensation System. Also read "Discrimination 101: The Complete Guide to Recognizing and Surviving Discrimination in the Workplace"
(Volume 1) and  (Volume 2). And read our "Workplace Blog ."

14.  Start Your Own Business:   Small business ownership is the backbone of this country. Business ownership is the key to true generational wealth. Look at the things that you are really passionate about and use your talents and passion to create a thriving business. Everyone has some type of talent or passion which is of value to others. You can conduct research for a business at Libraries, Bookstores, on,, and, with business groups including Chambers of Commerce, Small Business Administration (,, etc. Read more in the business book "How To Take Control of Your Own Life: A Self-Help Guide to Starting Your Own Business." Also read our "Business Blog ."

15.  Don't Get Involved with Pyramid Schemes:   Stay away from websites or people in the community trying to recruit you for Network or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) aka "Pyramid Schemes" (Noni-juice, Melaleuca, Primerica, Pre-paid legal, YTB travel, Ameriplan, ACN, Quixtar, Body Shapers, etc.). If you have time to get involved with these types of 'unethical' schemes, then you have time to start and build your own business by using your own talents and passions.    

16.  Form Business Alliances/Strategic Partnerships/Co-Ops: To move your business to the next level form business alliances, strategic partnerships or business co-ops with other "ethical" businesses. It's important to be a part of business networks so that you can grow your business by brainstorming with other businesses, especially legal, financial and marketing experts so seek these individuals out today. Every business owner should also have their own "ethical" business network that they can refer others to.

17.   Stop Looking at So Much T.V. and Read More Books:  Stop listening to mainstream media and even build your own network. It's estimated that many families watch at least 6 to 7 hours of television daily. Could this be why the obesity rate is at an epidemic level? Are we dumbing down our families? If you watch T.V. -- at least watch educational shows such as Animal Channel, Discovery Channel, Financial Shows, etc. Join our new " Let's Read Campaign " and read our line of motivational 'easy-to-read' empowerment books at . All books can be read by 12 year olds and above.

18.   Make a "TO DO" List:  Make a "TO DO" list that you can print out and keep on a bulletin board in your work area at home, on a refrigerator or on some type of computer or mobile gadget. The goal is to place it somewhere where you will see it everyday so that you can stay focused on making your dreams come true.

19.  Get The People You Love on the Information Highway:   Are you sick of those around you being uninformed on issues relevant to them? Information is 'King' and 'Knowledge is Power' so help those that you love get on the information highway. Subscribe your family members, friends, neighbors and colleagues to our mailing list at  or 
20.  Support the Black Press:   Read black community newspapers and support them by subscribing, volunteering, and sending donations. Also support black radio and t.v. including internet radio. Listen to " The Cathy Harris Show."

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Best Xmas Present Ever

The Best Xmas Present Ever

Dec. 22, 2015

Many people, especially business owners, will take a few minutes from their busy schedules to send out Christmas cheers and New Year well wishes but as most of you know, I send out powerful information that will help you and your family move forward way beyond the holiday season.

Christmas day, December 25, is exactly one week before January 1 or the New Year, so now is the time for you to come up with your action plan for the New Year.  

Sit down with your family and friends and enjoy the holidays but don't forget to come out of the gate with an action plan on January 1, 2016.

Last year I posted a wonderful post on my blog going into the New Year -- "Do You in 2015" -- so go back and read it.  

Even if you are not a business owner, you should still have a motto for yourself.  My last year's motto was "It's Time To Come Clean in 2015" so I shared a lot of personal things with my waiting audience.  

Again my life has been an open book from the very beginning so if my life can help others succeed or move forward then why not share my experiences.

My mate and I, a beautiful and wonderful man that I have lived with for 17 months  but known for 25 years, gave each other the BEST X-MAS PRESENTS EVER. 

We both engaged in a HIS and HERS 14 day full-body detox program.  For those of you who don't know what a detox program is, then you need to read CHAPTER ONE of my health book below or read the e-article below on detoxification.  

Many people engage in a detox program for the New Year, for Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter but now is the time to come up with an action plan that includes detoxification.

I was 50 years old before I had my first detox (body cleanse) program and because of that I almost died.  

I spent many of the younger years of my life feeling weak, sluggish and run-down because I had never heard of the word "detoxification" ("detox" for short).  

Once I learned how to save my own life when I became housebound and bedridden at 50 years old "The Awakening," I implemented regular detoxification programs into my life and since that time I have been on top of the world -- full of energy and vitality -- so that I could live my best life ever.

Book & Article Excerpt
Why You Should Engage 
in a Detox Program?

Did you know that many people will start the New Year off by joining a gym and by the month of March they will already be out of there? 

The bottomline is, if you want longer lasting energy, you should do a detox program before joining the gym.
If you are apparently overweight or just don't have energy, then don't go to the gym but instead engage in a detox program first.  

This process will take anywhere from 1 to 2 to 3 weeks depending on the type of detoxification program you choose from a health food store. 

Remember your health begins in your colon so a colon cleanse (detox) should be a priority while you work your way up to a liver and kidney detox.

Detoxification (detox for short) is a natural healing process needed more than ever in today's toxic world.  Just as the outer environments in which we live can become polluted with trash, violated with industrial chemicals, our inner environments (our bodies) can become filled with toxic garbage as well.

Many of these toxins come from our diets, drug use, and environmental exposure.  By engaging in a detoxification program we are actively assisting and supporting the body in its own natural cleansing actions to help in ridding the body of substances that may be detrimental to our health.

Learn how to find all the health and wholefood stores in your neighborhood and the type of detoxes you should purchase by reading the below book or article.

How To Take Control of Your Own Life: A Self-Help Guide To Becoming Healthier Over the Next 30 Days (Series 3)

Available as E-book and Paperback

How To Engage in A Complete Detoxification Program  